
新澳门六合彩官网开奖Safety and Support Progress

Content warning: the content on this page addresses sensitive topics regarding sexual misconduct or violence. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, you are not alone. The National Sexual Assault Hotline offers free, confidential support, 24/7, at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or at

Keeping you posted

The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 is committed to ensuring the safety and support of all of our staff and students. This necessitates continuous attention and progress. Thus, we will use this page to post important steps taken by the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 as an NFB-affiliated training center.

June 7, 2022

All Staff/Student Training on NFB Code of Conduct

All ITP students and staff, along with our summer youth staff, received in introduction and discussion of the . The Code of Conduct presentation was given by Scott LaBarre, Legal Counsel for the NFB and Chair of the center’s Board of Directors. Scott discussed the history and development of the code, which was formally adopted by the NFB Board of Directors in January of 2018, and its current provisions as recently revised. The NFB Code of Conduct covers all participants at the center as an NFB training center, and the center’s student and staff policies reflect and parallel the code.

June 6, 2022

Consent & Boundaries Training for Summer Staff

We held a one-hour Training on consent and boundaries for our summer staff members, presented by WEAVE (When Everyone Acts, Violence Ends), on consent and boundaries. 鈥檚 mission is to promote safe and healthy relationships and support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and sex trafficking, and is based in Sacramento, California.

June 2, 2022

ITP and Summer Staff Receive CPR Training

ITP staff and our summer staff all had a chance to pound the dummy’s chest and learn how to apply a defibrillator in the CPR training. The training was given by , and participants will receive a certification card.

May 4, 2022

Sessions on Stress for Staff and Seniors

Colorado Spirit, as part of its on-going in-person sessions with our students, also conducted a session for staff and for the Wednesday virtual seniors group. The topic was “Stress and Resilience” and included a mindfulness exercise. Thus, they conducted the discussion and exercise for us in three different groups.

April 3, 2022

新澳门六合彩官网开奖Youth Program Participant Protection Policy

The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 Board of Directors adopted the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Youth Program Participant Protection Policy on April 3, 2022.


The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 (CCB) understands the importance of protecting individuals that participate in youth programs offered by the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖.聽聽This includes any program聽directly managed by the CCB.聽These programs may take place at the Colorado Center or other locations. This policy affirms our commitment to taking the necessary steps to provide a safe and secure environment for program participants.

Read the complete policy

March 21, 2022

Training with Consent Academy

Students and staff took part in a one-hour training on Consent in Our Lives by the . There was time for a number of questions afterward from both students and staff.

March 11, 2022

RAINN Training for Students and New Staff

As part of the NFB’s organization-wide training scheduled with the all students and all staff hired in the past year were part of RAINN’s training. However, all staff sat in on the session and took part in the off-line discussions held after the RAINN training ended.

March 10, 2022

Staff Training On Safety in Public

Robin Ennis, LCSW, CPC, conducted a training for 新澳门六合彩官网开奖staff entitled: “How Far Is Too Far, How to Know and How to Respond.” The purpose of the training was to better equip staff to manage difficult encounters with the public, and also to support our students when they experience such difficult encounters. There seems to be an up-tick in such encounters of late, such as people yelling things lik, “You’re not really blind,” or even throwing things. The training discussed options for dealing with these encounters while maintaining a balance between protecting one’s personal boundaries and personal safety and avoiding escalation. We also spent time discussing the importance of debriefing with one another after such incidents occur.

This discussion will lead into training on safety for students, also conducted by Robin Ennis.

March 9, 2022

New Student Policies Read and Discussed

Executive Director Julie Deden read the new student policies during Philosophy class. Students will be signing these, and all new students are signing them as well as part of their intake and orientation process. Following the reading, there were questions and discussion.

The policy was approved by the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board on February 15, but they also asked for some formatting and organizing elements to be added. Once these were completed, the document was forwarded to them again and then we had to find a day that wasn’t in conflict with other activities, ensuring that all, or nearly all, students would be present.

February 15, 2022

新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board Approves New Policies

The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖’s Board of Directors in its scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 15 took the following actions, both recommended in the NFB Special Committee’s Final Report of December 8, 2021:

  • The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board of Directors approved revised student policies in its scheduled meeting. These policies are now in line with the NFB鈥檚 Code of Conduct, including the NFB’ Code of Conduct definitions of sexualmisconduct.
  • The 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board also approved new formal Safety Protocols to be followed if sexual misconduct is reported. Much of what is in the new response protocols reflects practices that 新澳门六合彩官网开奖has routinely followed over the years.聽 The major change in policy is that reports of sexual misconduct will now be investigated by an external investigator.

Revision of CCB’s staff policies are also nearly complete, and will be considered by the board no later than its next meeting in the spring.

February 1, 2022,

Mental Health Supports at CCB

in addition to working with Colorado Spirit in a group setting, the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 has connected students with appropriate mental health support for more than 30 years.

It started with the late William Saker, Ph.D. about 1989. Bill, who was blind, worked with cCB students for nearly a decade and later, after he had shifted his practice to Boulder and no longer worked with 新澳门六合彩官网开奖students, served on the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board of Directors.

新澳门六合彩官网开奖has continued to ensure that our students receive mental health services if they need them. To do this, we maintain relationships and refer to several skilled therapists in the south Denver Metro area. We’ve been fortunate to work with several experienced professionals in the past twenty-plus years.

In addition, for the past four academic years, we have been fortunate enough to have interns completing their Master of Social Work programs at the University of Denver meeting one-on-one with students at the center. This has been an important resource for our students and a fruitful partnership with DU’s MSW program. It’s a valuable continuation of CCB’s long-standing recognition that blindness isn’t the only thing we must address in our lives, and sometimes our students can benefit greatly from this kind of focused, professional mental health support. Indeed, for many students, it is a critical component of their long-range formula for success.

January 19, 2022

The National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB) certifies the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 as a Structured Discovery training facility. In addition, the NBPCB provides the National Orientation & Mobility Certification (NOMC) as well as the National Certification for Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (NCRTB). Several of our center staff hold one of or another of these certifications.

This month, NBPCB sent out an Annual Notice to Stakeholders discussing the Board’s professional Code of Conduct, which can be found on its web site. This page also has links for filing a Code of Conduct complaint regarding a professional certified by NBPCB.

January 12, 2022

provides links to the current version of the code (in a variety of formats), the form for reporting violations of the code, a frequently asked question page, and a variety of supplemental resources and guidance documents. 聽

October 27, 2021

separate Men鈥檚 and Women鈥檚 Philosophy classes were held simultaneously prior to leaving the next day for our annual NFB of Colorado convention. Each group covered issues involving safe and appropriate boundaries, and we covered the Fries acronym of elements of consent (Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic and Specific).

October 25, 2021

Three-hour staff retreat focusing on staff support, facilitated by Bill Lundgren, LPC.

Wellness Hour with Colorado Spirit

Our bi-monthly Wellness Hour with will resume this month. Sessions will be held via Zoom and will start with an ice breaker, then focus on wellness education, followed by practice of wellness activities and discussion. Topics will include coping with burn-out, managing stress and mindfulness.


8/11, 8/25
9/8, 9/22
10/6, 10/20
11/3, 11/17
12/1, 12/15

August 13, 2021

William Lundgren, LPC presented to students on 鈥淭he Stages of Your Training Program: How to Get the Most out of Your Time at CCB.鈥 Bill is a licensed counselor practicing in Denver, and attended the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 in 2000-2001.

Safety and Support Sessions During #NFB21

The NFB鈥檚 had four sessions on the National Federation of the Blind’s 2021 convention agenda held virtually between July 6 and 10, 2021. 新澳门六合彩官网开奖staff members attended various of these sessions, which included 鈥淚nclusion and Safety鈥 and 鈥淎llyship and Bystander Intervention.鈥

Men鈥檚/Women鈥檚 Philosophy

Philosophy class divided up into men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 groups on Thursday, July 1 for discussions on appropriate behavior, what constitutes sexual misconduct, boundaries and what consent is and is not. We hold such meetings each year just prior to attending the national Federation of the Blind convention, and we saw no reason not to hold these sessions now, even though the convention is again virtual this year.

Staff Training

William Lundgren, LPC, presented and discussed the five stages of developing positive identity as a blind person to 新澳门六合彩官网开奖staff on Monday, June 21, 2021 via Zoom. Bill, a 新澳门六合彩官网开奖graduate, has more than 30 years of experience as a licensed counselor. He practices in Denver.

Reading of the NFB Code of Conduct

May 28, 2021

As we prepared to register staff and students for the 2021 National Federation of the Blind Virtual Convention, we took time to read the NFB Code of Conduct. Actually, we listened to the audio recording of Duncan and Chris reading it to Seniors in March.

Wellness Hour Topics and Activities

These sessions were conducted for students, though staff were also welcome, by our partners at . Self-awareness and self-care are the goals of this series.

Topic: Overview of stress management and stress in our bodies
Mindfulness activity: breathing meditation
Topic: Stress and resilience
Mindfulness activity: progressive muscle relaxation

5/19 Topic: Focusing on what you can control
Mindfulness activity: hand/finger mindfulness/ breathing
Topic: Benefits of morning routines
Mindfulness activity: grounding exercise (4,3,2,1 (hear, feel, smell, taste)

Psychological First Aid

Provided by
April 21 for staff
is a nonprofit mental health organization providing counseling, psychiatry, crisis services, substance use treatment, and more.

Colorado Spirit at All Health provides free psychological support to people of all ages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This training from our local partner provided staff with tools to initially address psychological distress and trauma,, whether presented by friends, family, students or colleagues. This two-hour session reinforced discussions of trauma-informed responses in our March 23 training with RAINN

Mark Riccobono’s Open Letter on Safety and Support Progress

On April 15 – National Federation of the Blind President Mark A. Riccobono published his . We urge all to read it.

NFB Code of Conduct in Audio

Registration for this year’s NFB Virtual Convention requires you to check a box saying that you have read and agree to follow the NFB’s Code of Conduct. Because our Senior Services staff assist many seniors in registering and, indeed, in getting onto the meetings and general sessions, they decided to read the code to one of the senior groups. That way, everyone would have a chance to hear the code and all could honestly say they had read it. The code was read and recorded on Tuesday, March 28 and played at the other senior meetings.

Listen to the NFB Code of Conduct

Men’s and Women’s Philosophy Discussions Following RAINN Training

On March 29, immediately after our students completed the RAINN training on sexual misconduct, our daily Philosophy Class was dedicated to follow-up and processing of what we had all learned from the training. We divided students and staff into men’s and women’s groups to ensure that everyone would feel comfortable sharing their responses and to ask questions.

RAINN and NFB Community-Wide Member Training

As part of the National Federation of the Blind’s contract with the ,
新澳门六合彩官网开奖staff, board members and students have all completed the initial training with RAINN, which discussed the complexities of sexual misconduct and its impact, strategies for creating safer communities, and trauma-informed ways to support survivors.
新澳门六合彩官网开奖staff, along with staff from the other two NFB-affiliated training centers, were part of the first group to receive the RAINN training on March 23, 2021. Our students [received the training on March 29, and 新澳门六合彩官网开奖Board members participated in those and other RAINN trainings held in April. Plans for follow-up training are in the works.

All Staff and Students Men’s and Women’s meetings

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Separate men’s and women’s meetings were held at Philosophy to discuss appropriate conduct between individuals, respect and boundaries, keeping oneself safe, recognizing and reporting misconduct, and more. These meetings were very much like the meetings we typically hold with staff and students prior to attending the annual National Federation of the Blind convention each summer.

Reading and Discussion of Open Letters

During our Philosophy class on Thursday, January 7, Executive Director Julie Deden read both the “Open Letter of Apology from Mark Riccobono” of December 16, 2020, as well as the statement from Julie and the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖’s Board of Directors endorsing it, posted December 24, 2020. Discussion followed, including the updates announced on January 4’s Presidential Release Live by President Riccobono.

Workshop on Reinforcing Professional Boundaries

January 4, 2021
As part of our annual Staff Retreat to kick off each new year, we had a 90-minute workshop on “Reinforcing Professional Boundaries,” conducted by Eric Wahler, LCPC of Helena Montana. Eric has more than 30 years’ experience as a mental health therapist and has presented at numerous professional conferences and conducted many workshops.

NFB Announces Survivor-led Task Force & Partnership with RAINN

Posted: January 8, 2021

In his National Federation of the Blind President Mark Riccobono promised that the National Federation of the Blind would take meaningful, concrete steps to address the issues raised by survivors of sexual assault or misconduct in the organization. During a nation-wide Zoom webinar Monday night, January 4, President Riccobono announced two major steps forward to begin that process – the NFB will work with the Raipe, Assault and Incest national network (RAINN), the nation’s leading advocacy and prevention organization, as well as a survivor-led task force to advise the President and the Board. We invite you to follow the links below to learn more about these important steps, which the 新澳门六合彩官网开奖 embraces and from which our staff, students and programs will benefit.

Please direct any media inquiries to Chris Danielsen, Director of Public Relations for the National Federation of the Blind, (410) 659-9314, extension 2330, or cdanielsen@nfb.org.